My name is Mathew Green. I am a husband, a dad of two wonderfully strong-minded daughters,  an educator, a writer and a researcher. You can see what Iā€™m up to here.

Welcome to The Art of Teaching Podcast: Important conversations with the best minds in education and leadership. This is a project that I care deeply about. It started way back in 2020 when I emailed Richard Gerver. His work has greatly impacted me, and I wanted to discuss applying it in my classroom with him. To be honest, I didn't expect a reply. To my delight, he agreed to chat with me, and we decided to record the first episode. Ever since then, I have released one episode a week (with a few exceptions), and I have continued to be enriched by the conversations that I have with some amazing leaders, educators and pioneers.

A few years ago, I started The Art of Teaching Podcast to investigate the following questions:

  • How can I contribute to and build more productive, professional learning networks across the teaching profession?

  • How can I help to close the gap between educational research and teaching pedagogy? 

  • How can we make professional learning more accessible for all educators? 

Thank you for going on this journey with me, and I hope you get as much out of these discussions as I do.

It has been an incredible journey, and here are some of the highlights: