Thanks for stopping by.

My life has been, and continues to be, changed by great teaching. We all have that teacher that made a difference in our lives. The one that saw us, the one that valued us and the one that believed in us. For me, my was Mrs Taylor-Jones. I remember walking into her classroom and feeling heard and cared for. During my time in her class, I cannot recall the lessons or the content of what she actually taught me - but I do remember how she made me feel. In truth, she did this for all of her students, and she will never truly know the impact of her time in the classroom.

Fast forward many years, I find myself in front of a classroom and having the privilege of shaping the wonderful students who sit before me. Teaching is more than a career; it’s an opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life – for some, it’s a chance to change their future trajectory.

I hope that you find the podcast, ideas and resources useful as you journey with me to be the best educators we can be.